atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Another hugely successful Youth Hub was held at atWork Australia’s Joondalup jobactive offices on 7th April 2021.

Once again, the Youth Hub proved to be a valuable day for both job seekers and the organisations and services who attended.

There was a steady stream of jobseekers coming through the doors during the event, and all the providers in attendance reported that they had a big increase of sign ups and referrals on the day.

Riann Thorp, Branch Manager from atWork Australia’s Joondalup office, was pleased to see so much positivity and support for the Youth Hub events, which offer real connection and opportunities, “One jobseeker even managed to update her resume, secure a job interview for the following day, and access new clothes for the interview (thanks to Dress for Success) all before the day was done!”

Federal MP for Moore, Ian Goodenough, attended with his staffer Ben, and spent a lot of time finding out about all of the atWork Australia services, and meeting with the organisations and what they do.

It was also valuable for all in attendance to hear his thoughts about the local employment market and what he knows on a federal and local level.

Some of the most popular organisations and services at the Youth Hub yesterday were City of Joondalup Youth services, Regional Youth Driver Education Program (RYDE), Dress for success, Centrelink, Bridging the Gap, Greenhouse Education, Training alliance, Job activator, STAR recruitment, Wirrapunda foundation.

The Youth Hub is a one stop shop for job seekers to access services and resources that they need.

For more assistance about the Youth Hub, and to be part of this central support network for job seekers please contact atWork Australia via or 1300 080 856.

Our next event, to be hosted on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at atWork Australia Joondalup, will be a dedicated Women’s Hub offering specific support services for female jobseekers.



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