atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good news from atWork Australia.

“She is my family” stated Disability Employment Services Client, Nadia, after working with Job Coach, Rozy, and the broader atWork Australia team in Reservoir, VIC.

Nadia (61) is a single mother, and after spending the past 10 plus years out of the workforce looking after her children, her confidence and motivation towards employment was at an all-time low.

Within her initial consultation, Rozy got to know Nadia; her past, skills, weaknesses and goals for the future. It was at this time that Nadia mentioned that she had no clear goals for the future, this was something they worked on together. Through setting these goals, Rozy’s aim was to align any employment opportunities.

The pair instantly connected; this bond grew weekly at their appointments together. Within these appointments, Rozy worked with Nadia on her doubts, confidence, and negative thought patterns.

To Rozy, Nadia appeared to be much more confident and ready for the next phase of her employment journey, but this was not the case after she turned down a job offer. So, the pair continued to work on her confidence and self-belief.

With time, Nadia felt comfortable, skilled and confident to enter this new phase of her journey as a result of the respect, support and guidance that Rozy provided. So, the fun began – the job search.

Together, they applied for cleaning positions as this was an industry that both interested and provided great comfort to Nadia. As a result of their searches, they found the perfect position that ticked all the boxes for Nadia; close to home, with a supportive employer and part-time offering.

Nadia was later successful in the recruitment process and was ecstatic to start.

Rozy and the atWork Australia team are delighted to say that Nadia is still working in this position and is enjoying it thoroughly.

“Rozy has come as a blessing in my life. No one has done what she has for me. She is my family.”

Not only is she loving her position, but her employer is also loving having her on-board, so much so that they have been driving her to and from work.

Connecting people to business so both can thrive is what we do best.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Nadia, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals

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