atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good news from atWork Australia.

After spending the past 16 years in the aged care industry with the same employer, Karen attended the atWork Australia office in Mowbray, TAS as a Disability Employment Services client seeking  a new career.

Karen was no longer able to continue work within the industry due to her shoulder injury.

After meeting with Job Coach, Shannon, and the team in Mowbray, she spent the next several weeks on a medical exemption due to ongoing sicknesses.

Once she was in better health, Karen and Shannon, spent some time identifying potential future industries and positions that both catered to her injury and that she would also enjoy. After some research, the pair decided support work would be a great fit for Karen.

They prepared a resume and cover letter to highlight her skills and previous experience.

With time, Karen was confident, ready, and eager to get back into work. Within this next phase of her employment journey, Shannon spoke to several employers about Karen, her skills, passion, and ability for support work.

However, one employer caught Shannon’s eye. They had recently attended a local First Steps to Success event, and she felt they would be a good fit for Karen.

She reached out to this employer, and they expressed a keen interest in employing Karen, and invited her in for an interview.

Karen’s passion for helping others was apparent in the interview, and as a result she was offered the position. Karen was ecstatic!

After securing the position, Karen started to feel overwhelmed with the online on-boarding that was required, but she knew that she could reach out to the atWork Australia team for assistance.

Shannon’s tailored support also included assisting Karen with gaining car insurance and work clothing that was needed for her position.

Shannon expressed that, “It has been wonderful to see Karen change and grow and find employment  she is excited about. It was a tough start with her health, but she hasn’t given up. She has worked hard and put herself out of her comfort zone to achieve success.”

“I am very grateful to atWork Australia for their assistance with helping me to find a job that I really enjoy and am excited to be at. Shannon helped every step of the way and went above and beyond to help me achieve my goals.” – Karen, Disability Employment Services client, TAS

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Karen, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals

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