atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good news from atWork Australia.

Workforce Australia client, Steve* has a CALD background and has recently encountered various instabilities due to spending the past several months out of work. He needed tailored, professional assistance, so he reached out to the atWork Australia team in Eastgardens, NSW.

As a part of his journey to employment, he was paired with Job Coach, Muhsina. Within Steve’s first appointment, Muhsina took the opportunity to get to know Steve; his hobbies, values, previous work experience, as well as what he wanted his future to look like.

All of this information would allow Muhsina to personalise his Job Plan to cater to Steve and his needs.

Steve showed some hesitancy on returning to the workforce, he was not motivated nor confident in his abilities. Despite wanting to re-enter the workforce, the sum of these factors at times, made it difficult for him.

Together, Steve and Muhsina worked to regain his confidence through various activities and constant re-assurance in his skills and abilities.

Steve was also enrolled in the Jobs Now program to further build on his job readiness whilst also ensuring that he was meeting his PBAS targets.

Steve found the Jobs Now program extremely helpful, not only the advice given in regard to employment, but also how to support his mental and physical health throughout the process.

After completing the program, and several more appointments, Steve felt like he was ready to start job searching.

Due to Steve possessing interest in further developing his suburb knowledge, whilst also being able to apply his road regulations experience, the pair concluded a driver role will be ideal. So, Muhsina started to search for the perfect position for Steve that was catered to his needs. To achieve this, he worked with the Employer Engagement team.

Within no time, he secured an interview with a local logistics company, and as a result of his hard work, he was offered the position.

Within all stages of Steve’s employment journey, Muhsina and the team in Eastgardens supported Steve to succeed, whether it was verbal or financial.

Steve transitioned very well into full-time work and is thriving. He continues to work with the In-Work Support team.

*Name has been changed for privacy.

“atWork Australia has created a road for me to succeed in employment pathway.” – Steve, atWork Australia client.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Steve, expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals

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