atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

What comes to mind when you think of the word Coach?

For me I think of a sporting team, let us say soccer for example’s sake.

When leading up to the game season not every player in my team is going to be prepared. Some team members will need to do a lot more training than others to get ready.

Does the whole team just play the game? What happens first?

The KEY to any success is practice.

You can not expect anyone to do anything in life without trying and failing first. It is in those initial stages of learning that you will build the mentality that every failure is a step closer to success.

It is in our worst times we build on ourselves mentally, we know what could be expected to happen next time and we can put the right measures in place to then overcome that obstacle.

I like to think that I not only coach people to get a job, but I also coach and support them to build their confidence and resilience.

So back to it, where was I up to….


If you have never played a game of soccer how can you expect to play at the same level as everyone else in your team? It would be normal to compare yourself to the other players who have a skill that you haven’t yet got. What the team member does not realise is that most of the time people don’t start out with the ability to perform a skill. We as human beings’ have to learn and practice consistently to achieve goals. It takes time, motivation and practice.

As a coach, your responsibility is to mentor and motivate that practice, not dictate what the team do.

In a team sport, an individual must understand the unique strengths of each person in their team. Without one another, they will lose the game.

You cannot put a timeframe on an individual to achieve the progress of a team, similarly, each client has their own unique qualities and skills that need to be recognised and coached, to help them into the right job.

As a coach of a sporting team, your responsibilities don’t stop at getting the player to game day. Just like in my role as Job Coach, my responsibilities don’t stop at getting the client to an interview.  As a Job Coach, I am there for my clients every step of the way, including supporting them starting and succeeding at their new jobs.


Here at atWork Australia, you will have one Job Coach from start to finish, there for you throughout your entire job-seeking journey, ensuring you get the support and services you deserve, every step of the way. Enquire online today, or call us on 1300 080 856 to get started.  

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