atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia Project Manager, Sally Teixeria was a guest on a recent episode of the Fremantle Chamber of Commerce podcast “Set the Month in Motion”.

The podcast discussion focused on some different recruitment options, funding models, challenges and diversity.
The conversation is particularly relevant in current times particularly within growth sectors that are really struggling to get people post COVID to meet their service requirements.

Sally gave some really great insights into how the employment landscape is evolving and she shared strategies that businesses and jobseekers alike can consider to achieve win-win outcomes.

Sally also expanded on how atWork Australia helps jobseekers living with disability and disadvantage to find meaningful work, and employers to get the right people into the right jobs via the jobactive program.

As a trusted employment services provider working with thousands of Australians every year, atWork Australia make getting a job as easy and stress-free as possible.

To listen to the podcast click here:

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