atWork Australia

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From the day we are born, the learning process begins; we start learning from our parents, siblings and grandparents. When our schooling begins, we start learning from our teachers and other adults within the education system. If we progress into further study, we begin learning from lecturers and tutors. The moral to the story is, that through every stage of life, we are learning from our elders, who are sharing their knowledge and wisdom that they have gathered from taking this journey before us. The workplace is no different. Employing mature age workers brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the workplace, providing other employees an opportunity to learn from their experiences and lessons learnt throughout their life; a mature age employee brings qualities to the workplace that cannot be learnt from a textbook. Qualities that can only be learnt from many years in the workplace. If your organisation is looking to recruit a new team member who already has years of experience; why not employ a mature age worker. Have a look at atWork Australia’s website to see how they can support your recruitment needs.


The benefits of hiring mature age workers


A national study conducted in 2022 outlined that thirty-one percent (31%) of occupations reported they were experiencing a skills shortage, and because of this, many Australian businesses have found it difficult to secure experienced, knowledgeable, and reliable employees.  A major benefit of employing mature age workers is they can help close the gap in the skills shortage and help Australian businesses to operate at full capacity, while bringing a lifetime of knowledge and experience to the workplace.

Is your organisation looking to benefit from employing a mature age worker? Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Individualised Support

Every employee, regardless of age, gender or background, require support in the workplace for a range of different reasons. It is important to remember that every employee will require different supports to suit their individual needs. So, providing mature workers with support they need to be successful in their position, should be seen as a smart and effective business decision. An example of individualised support could be encouraging older employees to participate in mentoring programs and matching them with an employee of similar age to provide peer support. On atWork Australia’s website they have lots of great examples of employers who have provided individualised support and in return have secured productive and reliable employees.

Flexible work arrangement


Providing flexible work arrangements where possible can be very beneficial to mature age workers who might be managing a health condition or have childcare responsibilities. Flexible work arrangements could be as simple as adjusting start and finish times or having flexibility to take lunch breaks at convenient times. Employers who offer flexible working arrangements to their employees will often experience greater engagement and commitment from their employees.


Removing unconscious bias


For employers who want to access the full talent pool and give mature age workers a fair opportunity when applying for vacancies, they need to remove unconscious bias from the recruitment process. This can be easily done by removing any details regarding the applicants age from the application process. This will encourage more mature aged workers to apply and not feel like their age is impacting on the outcome. Additionally, this will allow the recruiter to focus on what is truly important about the applicant, their skills, knowledge and experience. Here are some additional tips and advice for how to remove unconscious bias from the recruitment process.



The skills and experience of mature age workers


Mature age workers bring a wealth of skills and experience to the workplace. Their unique attributes can be highly valuable for employers, and it’s important to recognise and appreciate the contributions they can make. Here are some of the skills and experiences mature age workers typically bring to the table:

  • Work ethic
  • Experience
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Professional networks
  • Adaptability
  • Crisis Management
  • Mentoring and Training
  • Problem Solving
  • Leadership


The reliability and work ethic of mature age workers


Mature age workers can bring valuable qualities to the workplace, including reliability and a strong work ethic. These traits are often a result of their accumulated experience, personal characteristics, and life circumstances. Older workers tend to have a strong sense of responsibility and are more likely to arrive at work on time. They understand the importance of being punctual and are less likely to engage in absenteeism.


The contributions of mature age workers to a positive work culture


Mature age workers can make significant contributions to fostering a positive work culture. Their experience, wisdom, and unique perspectives can benefit both their colleagues and the organisation in various ways. Organisations that recognise and leverage their contributions can benefit from improved communication, mentorship, knowledge transfer, and a more inclusive and stable work environment. Embracing age diversity is essential for creating a well-rounded and thriving workplace.


Addressing myths and concerns about hiring mature age workers


Hiring mature age workers can bring numerous benefits to an organisation. However, there are some myths and concerns that can deter employers from considering older individuals for employment. Let’s address some of these myths and concerns:

Concern: Some employers believe older workers may be reluctant to adapt to new processes, technologies, or procedures.

Reality: While some resistance to change can occur with any age group, older workers often adapt well when provided with proper training and support. Their experience can help them identify the benefits of change and navigate transitions more effectively.


Concern: Employers may be hesitant to invest in training older workers if they believe they’ll retire in the near future.

Reality: Not all older workers are on the verge of retirement. Many choose to work longer due to financial, social, or personal reasons. Hiring and retaining older workers can provide stability to your workplace.


Concern: Some employers fear that mature age workers demand higher salaries and benefit packages.

Reality: While older workers may have higher salaries due to their experience, they often bring productivity and experience that can offset the costs. Moreover, they may not require the same level of training and supervision as younger, less experienced employees.



Hiring mature age workers can be an asset to any organisation. To maximise the benefits of this diverse workforce, it’s important to challenge and dispel the myths and concerns surrounding older employees and implement strategies to support their success within the company. If you need support to hire a diverse workforce, reach out to atWork Australia to help your business create a diversity plan.

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